Omama El Bashir

Dr. med. Osama Abu Hassan

head doctor of the sleep laboratory
Specialist in internal medicine

Sleep medicine
Internal intensive care
Emergency medicine
Somnolence DGSM

Dr. med. Amra Cizmo

Specialist in internal medicine
Sleep medicine 

Dr. med. Heike Seelbach

Specialist in internal medicine
Sleep medicine, pulmonology and allergology

Dr. med. Omama Elbashir

Specialist in internal medicine
Sleep medicine 

Dr. med. Osama Abu Hassan

head doctor of the sleep laboratory
Specialist in internal medicine

Sleep medicine
Internal intensive care
Emergency medicine
Somnolence DGSM

Dr. med. Amra Cizmo

Specialist in internal medicine
Sleep medicine 

Dr. med. Heike Seelbach

Specialist in internal medicine
Sleep medicine, pulmonology and allergology

Omama El Bashir

Dr. med. Omama Elbashir

Specialist in internal medicine
Sleep medicine 


Bibo, Olivia


Blinn, Ulla

ApprenticeMedical field employee

Karatas, Melisa

Medical field employee, Accounting

Papadopoulou, Parthena

Medical field employee

Peymaner, Zahide

Secretariat and Organization

Reymann, Fiona

ApprenticeMedical field employee

Scholtysik, Nicole

ApprenticeMedical field employee

Toromanovic, Jasmina

Secretariat and Controlling


Abu Hassan - Dirbas, Heba

Medical field employee

Andac, Aysem

Medical field employee

Dienelt, Nina

Medical field employee

Elqoraichi, Jessica

Medical field employee

Hassan, Mariam

Medical field employee

Hassan, Sarah

ApprenticeMedical field employee

Lima Couto, Lara Sofia

Medical field employee

Refa-Amiri, Roqia

Medical field employee

Shala, Elvira

Medical field employee

Tomei, Veronica

Medical field employee

Sheikh, Rimshah

Medical field employee

Yarar, Szilvia

Medical field employee


Aydinlioglu, Ilayda

Apprentice Medical field employee

Schneider, Selin

Apprentice Medical field employee

Staicu, Sabina

Apprentice Medical field employee

Su, Görcem

Apprentice Medical field employee

Yildirim, Nisa

Apprentice Medical field employee

Yildiz, Yagmur

Apprentice Medical field employee


Abel, Jessica

Abel, Jessica

Sleep laboratory night watch

Abu Hassan, Afnan

Sleep laboratory night watch

Abu Hassan, Tareq

Sleep laboratory night watch

Abuissa, Samer

Sleep laboratory night watch

Arslan Köger, Mert

Sleep laboratory Support

Asif, Tashfa

Sleep laboratory night watch

Atarg, Ilyas

Sleep laboratory Support

Al Boarab, Yussur

Sleep laboratory night watch

Berger, Kathleen

Sleep laboratory night watch

Bildesheim, Melanie

Sleep laboratory Cabler

Btio, Emily

Sleep laboratory night watch

Dahoud, Layla

Sleep laboratory Cabler

Fischer, Elke

Sleep laboratory Cabler

Gezer, Aleyna

Sleep laboratory night watch

Hagos, Maroa

Sleep laboratory night watch

Jankovic, Tamara

Sleep laboratory night watch

Khoroushi, Negin

Sleep laboratory night watch

Louahab, Selin

Sleep laboratory Cabler

Lujic, Marica

Sleep laboratory night watch

Maschouf-Hofmann, Yasmin

Sleep laboratory Cabler

Rahimi, Yousra

Sleep laboratory night watch

Rosenzweig, Patricia

Sleep laboratory night watch

Sabehi, Rabeea

Sleep laboratory night watch

Toromanovic, Semsudin

Sleep laboratory night watch